Thursday 24 June 2021

Octopus Writing

 Octopus Writing

Octopuses are famous sea creaturs for their bulbous head, eight arms/tentacles with suction cups on them, and can trow things and unscrew things. An Octopus is an eight-legged sea creature that can swim through a hole the size of a coin because they have no bones and can change their appearance judging by the color around them.


 They have suction cups on their tentacles which suctions to many things like walls in a tank, big rocks, coral reefs, and much more.  They shoot (sometimes) poisonous black ink out of their mouth (which is located in the middle of all the tentacles) the mouth has a sharp tooth that spits out the black ink. They have three hearts and theirs brain cells are in the arms as well as their head.


You can find them in deep marine waters, and they hide in little holes/ crevices in coral reefs. octopuses live in warm tropical reefs/waters, they live in every ocean in the world and along with the united states seas. octopuses live in coastal marine waters and spend much of their time in holes in coral reefs.



Octopuses like to feed on other ocean creatures like crabs, clams, small fishes, and even other octopuses. all species of octopus have the venom of varying levels of toxicity, which they put inside of their prey using their mouth that looks like a birds beak. they mostly hunt at night, jumping on their prey and then wrapping their tentacles around them.


Octopuses prey are sea creatures like Dolphins, Sharks, moray, and conger eels and they will all feed on octopuses but sometimes when the prey grabs onto the octopus it squeezes through a tiny hole to shake of the predator so the octopus can get away faster and so they can hide.

overall octopuses are sea creatures that live on the ocean floor 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Top 10 Greatest walks in New Zealand


Hi, how are you, today the year 7 and 8`s went to soccer so the year 6`s stayed, we did the top 10 greatest walks in NZ I really enjoyed all of it. we did this slide because we didn't know everything about the walks and some of us didn't know they were in New Zealand, but we got through it I reckon it was very cool to find out about these walks. thanks for reading my blog, Milla

Friday 18 June 2021

word of the week


Hi, How are you, today went the year 7 and 8`s were a tech me and they year 6`s did another word of the week it was about a word called reciprocal I was very confused about the word but I did it. i hope that your read my blog again, Milla.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Humpback Whales


 Hi, kia ora, how are you, today the year 7 and 8`s went to see William pike so the year 6`s went down to Ngahere and our teacher (Miss Farr) told us to do a DLO (digital learning object) about Humpback whales we had two blocks to do it I really enjoyed doing it, my favorite part was adding the link to another drawing for the body parts. I hope you read my blog again, Milla.

Friday 11 June 2021

Sports Art

Hi how are you, so today the year 7`s went to tech/technology so the year 6`s had art with Mrs Hoffman we did sports art witch is we outline a drawing of a sport and then we colour it with pastels and outline it with black pastel and I did a netball player and I reckon my favourite part was the blending or the colouring but overall I reckon it was really fun. Milla

Our Cultures

  Hi, Kia Ora, How are you, Tody me and Kiara did a blog post about our family and our cultures I'm from Aussie and Kiara is from Alexan...